Disclaimer about this page of chart readings and services:

This page is still under construction, and may continue to be for another decade. I have excuses for this!

  1. I’m elderly-ish [ahem *Chiron return* ahem…and if you don’t know what that is just trust me].
  2. I haven’t figured out eCommerce, and/or don’t like its layout so I’m stonewalling.
  3. I blame witches (sorry, my Wiccan friends, but you promised to help me with your mad design skills and you did NOT)!

For now, until the eCommerce is set up, you’ll have to call…or email is good. I like email. Please send me email.

Unless you’re a robot. Robots should just drop by for a visit. I have a very nice selection of essential motor oils just waiting for you.

Golden Apple Astrology

I provide several standard chart readings:

  • Natal Chart Readings: $150/90 minute intro session (let’s start at the very beginning, k?)
  • Return Readings: Happy Birthday! $100/60-90 minute refresher, plus tea and cakes, probably.
  • Electional Readings: $100/60 minute Q&A

…and two specialized packages:

  • Creative Journeys: $549 for 4 90-minute weekly sessions to correspond to your moon cycle (for current clients only)
  • Embrace your Chaos: $549 for 4 90-minute weekly sessions to correspond to your moon cycle (for current clients only)

For information on any of the above, please contact me directly. Thank you!